This Shingles Awareness Week, take your head out of the sand

Use this week as a reminder to talk to your doctor about the potential risk and impact of shingles today.

Book a GP appointment

People appearing in this content are models for illustrative purposes only.

Could misconceptions about shingles be keeping you in the dark?

Shingles (herpes zoster) is most common in people over 50 and those with a weakened immune system.1,2
Shingles can happen even if...

Healthy feel fit and healthy

About 1 in 3 people will get shingles in their lifetime. It can occur regardless of how fit and healthy they may feel.1,2

Chickenpox've already had chickenpox

Anyone who has had chickenpox carries the inactive virus that can cause shingles.

50 years're only 50 years young

The virus lies dormant in nearly all adults aged 50 years and older, and it can reactivate even if you have a healthy lifestyle.1–3*

*About 1 in 3 will develop shingles in their lifetime.


Questions to ask
your doctor

Use some of these questions and conversation starters to learn more about shingles and how you can help protect yourself.

  • I've heard that people over 50 are more likely to get shingles - does that mean I am more at risk?
  • I try and stay as fit and healthy as I can.
    Does that mean my symptoms won't be as bad?
  • I've had shingles before, am I likely to get it again?
  • I’ve heard about the impact of shingles on peoples' lives. Where can I get more information about shingles?

Discuss shingles with a GP

What do people really know about shingles?

Watch as we take to the streets to ask people to answer questions about shingles and then unravel the myths with some facts.

Video player requires JavaScript enabled. You can download this video here: /content/dam/cf-pharma/myvaccination/en_AU/shingles-campaign/saw/WHERE_DOES_SHINGLES_COME_FROM_v1.5.mp4
Video player requires JavaScript enabled. You can download this video here: /content/dam/cf-pharma/myvaccination/en_AU/shingles-campaign/saw/HOW_MANY_PEOPLE_DEVELOP_SHINGLES_v1.5.mp4
Video player requires JavaScript enabled. You can download this video here: /content/dam/cf-pharma/myvaccination/en_AU/shingles-campaign/saw/WHOs_MORE_LIKELY_TO_GET_SHINGLES_v1.5.mp4

What do people really know about shingles?

Watch as we take to the streets to ask people to answer questions about shingles and then unravel the myths with some facts.

  • Where does shingles come from?
  • How many people develop shingles in their lifetime?
  • Who's more likely to get shingles?

This Shingles Awareness Week, take your head out of the sand

If you are over 50, regardless of how young, healthy, or fit you may feel, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles.

Find a doctor

Interested to learn more about shingles?

People appearing in this content are models for illustrative purposes only.